Kristian Glass - Do I Smell Burning?

2020 In Books

As per 2019, some things I read in 2020, with some brief opinions/recommendations.

It turns out I do most of my reading while travelling - trains, planes, and while waiting at stations - all things I didn’t do much of in 2020!

All categorisations are approximate at best and will probably cause some kind of contention.

My 2019

Previously I wrote “My 2018”, inspired by Always Improve, Never Stop, Never Pause, Never Appreciate: things I did; not necessarily “achievements”, but happy and/or notable things.

The end of 2019 was a bit of a whirlwind so I put off writing “My 2019” and never got around to it, but I regret that and wanted to rectify it, especially given how terrible 2020 was for so many.

So, in no particular order:

2019 In Books

As per 2018, some things I read in 2019, with some brief opinions/recommendations (published slightly later than originally planned).

All categorisations are approximate at best and will probably cause some kind of contention.

Lightweight OKRs

If OKRs - “Objectives and Key Results” - are completely new to you, there are probably better introductions. But if you’re looking for a lightweight OKR system that has worked well for me, then here goes.

Many of the problems I’ve seen and heard of with OKRs seem to come from well-intentioned people taking Google’s implementation of OKRs (which includes scoring and assessment and measurement and other complexities and nuances) and misapplying it, copying some parts but not other essential pieces, and just generally having a square-peg-round-hole situation.

I’m sure the Google system works well for Google. Here’s what has worked well for me.

1:1s aren’t just a management thing

1:1 meetings are great - the opportunity to sit down together with someone for a time is invaluable, and something I expect managers to do with their staff on a regular basis.

But they shouldn’t just be “a thing managers do”. Whatever your role, a regular 1:1 with colleagues - whether they’re someone you work alongside every day, or someone more distant in the organisation - is an excellent investment.

GitHub Repository Configuration Checklist

Here’s how I generally configure my GitHub repositories.

At some point I should automate this - I’m hoping that GitHub will add some cool .github/config.yaml functionality and save me some work. Until then, this is my checklist!