Kristian Glass - Do I Smell Burning?

Mostly technical things

Postgres for Ladies

Someone started selling a book titled “Postgres for Ladies” on Amazon (now removed).

On the plus side, it received some well-deserved snark in the reviews that was both amusing AND on point:

But when my wife wanted to learn to use [Postgres], she just couldn’t wrap her head around it. Personally, I think it was due to stress at work; computational modeling of disease transmission takes a lot out of a girl.

I’ve created a database with all of our finances, for example. It includes our expenses, and every month she adds in her income from work. She’s even managed to automate the process of removing $.23 from every dollar she earns, just like her employer does.

On the minus side, presumably someone thought the book was a genuinely good idea :(

On the plus side, they weren’t so convinced it was a good idea as to actually write the book themselves; they ripped off someone else’s freely downloadable book by retitling it and trying to sell it under their name

On the minus side, they ripped off someone else’s freely downloadable book by retitling it and trying to sell it under their name…

On the plus side, the original, Postgres Succinctly by Peter Shaw, is actually a solid read, especially if you’re a Windows user, and the rip-off is now gone!
